All of us like positive responses. We await positive verdicts
on a variety of subjects. But when it comes down to a positive medical report,
it throws us off guard.
When I was declared positive with Covid a few days back, I
was shocked. I am vaccinated, I follow protocol, avoid crowds, but the sucker
came for me!
My Indicators
I thought my symptoms were typical of regular flu – an occasional
shiver, some fever. However, there were other symptoms - cold, tiredness, rash
(which I get because of an allergy so I didn’t pay attention), tummy pain, and some
coughing (once in a while). Since I have been tired and exhausted for a while,
I put it down to a low immune system.
I had to get tested. And lo and behold the freaking results
were positive. I wanted a negative verdict.
I was pissed. How could this happen to me! I take all the
precautions necessary. I realised while I was careful I must have let my guard down.
I cannot pinpoint for sure as to the carrier, but all that I can say is that
while it is easy to blame someone it does not matter - I got freaking Covid.
This virus disrupts
lives so easily. Whoever coined this shit, has to pay for their evil.
Days pass me by all alone
It is now the fifth day from when the doctor made the
diagnosis. However, the verdict would make today being the fourth day of me
contracting Covid, Omicron, or whatever.
Think this Over
Here are my two bits – if you are in contact with someone who
does not follow procedure, avoid them like the plague. If people do not socially
distance themselves, sneeze and cough without being careful, or do not wear
masks, leave the place.
If you are home-bound and still contract the virus stay safe
and follow protocol. I believe that people who are callous with their behaviour and
do not pay heed to the norms will spread the virus. Their not wearing
masks can contribute to the reasons as to why there is such rapid spreading of
the virus.
I also feel that while it is easier to presume that a cold is
just a mere cold, is unrealistic especially in today’s times. That said, not
everyone with a cold or sore throat will automatically be Covid positive. Or someone
with a fever has Covid. A cough may not be Covid related. It could be an allergic
cough, COPD, a smoker’s cough, or other medical reasons. Wisdom states that being
vigilant is the need of the hour.
Isolated and Feeling
Down in the Dumps?
I was advised not to get stressed out during quarantine. That
is sound advice. Being cooped up
(isolated/quarantined) in one place without access to people you love, is the
worst feeling possible. Not feeling the touch of someone you love, or being
able to touch them, is such an alien concept to me. I cannot for the life of me
imagine how the next few days are going to pan out. I will walk the talk and stay
the course and pray that this disgusting bug gets out of my system.
And while we may wonder about getting vaccinated and still
falling prey to the virus, do not overthink things. Follow the rule of the
land, use your head, wear on the armor of God, and nip the evil virus out of
your system.
From me to you darlings, until the next time. Muah! This is
the best I can do, without being too touchy-feely now.