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Showing posts from February 25, 2017

An Interview with a Mosquito

Most of us find ourselves at the mercy of mosquitoes. We try every single way to rid ourselves of these pests that create a frenzy but we hardly win. I have suffered from serious bouts of a mosquito riddled illness and know many who have fallen prey to these bloodsuckers. Here is a tongue in cheek 'interview' with the queen mosquito which goes like this. Mosquito, mosquito how have you been? Buzzing around my friend across the stream Dengue, Chikungunya and Malaria I spread This bloodsucker sure knows how to use his head. These human try to get rid of me They do not know that we are an army and we are free We spread panic from one country to the next They try to rid themselves of us, try they do We mosquitoes are here to stay folks, boohoo! Gadgets, sticks or that terrible spray The swing of the battery device does not shy us away We have pride of place accept us we pray We are a frat pack you can do us no harm Let us hang out we will bring out the charm. Pe...

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