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Showing posts from December 7, 2010

Twenty Questions and One Beautiful Answer

Had a chat with the small one a couple of days ago about Santa. Apparently she’s moved on from this phase and has rationalized that he is a figment of imagination. However, wanting to keep this alive I ask her if he is fictitious how could she explain the gifts that he had given her in the past? “Yeah right! Those were the gifts that I asked Mama to give me and you know something, I even found my letters to Santa on her computer!” “But perhaps he left them behind for you to read as he already has a copy with him. Also in case you forgot what you wanted…” “You think I am stupid or something?” “No darling, how can I think that?” “Come on I know he doesn’t exist!” This went on for some time until I realized that I was getting nowhere. And she was winning the argument anyway! So I shift to the true meaning of Christmas. She listens to me with rapt attention not missing anything. Once I finish she says: “So why talk about Santa, when we know that Jesus is Christmas? Why s

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