It has been a good two weeks since the last post. Work pressure and all that and the darn juices are just not flowing! However, my lovelies I’m back now with thoughts kinds going haywire so bear with me if you must. After all the focus of the blog is random flitting or something like that…... I’m getting the feel of this form of constant drama with the social networking jazz, but mind you nothing like old fashioned meeting or chatting on the phone. I still love receiving a hand written… anything. But I’m pretty positive my family, friends and everyone really would prefer I stick to a printout or a text, mail anything but my scrawl! Sad but true… boo hoo! Some serious spiel here… People who borrow money from another with some half assed story are real sick! Beware….you will find them lurking at various corners. Never let your guard down and you are safe. Money lent to a smooth talker with never benefit you in any way. Actually you get taken for a ride and before you know ...
A little bit of this and that and then some.