A man barged into an office in tattered clothes and screamed in agony: “Help me please! I have an incurable contagious illness and a couple of hundred will get me to the doctor who can hopefully cure me.” Fearing for her life and the rest of the staff, the receptionist dialed the accounts section and was authorized to dish out a limited amount. They wanted no disease in the office and the person out of there pronto. Once he was flush with funds he went home changed into his normal attire and called his friends to join him at the local pub yelling that drinks were are on him. Not letting on about what he had done, he had a blast with his pals and went about his usual aimless life. His friends couldn’t understand how he got by as he never kept a job for more than a couple of months. Eventually he did die of a contagious disease but there was absolutely no one at his funeral. Friends and family were really scared that his illness would contaminate them (even in death). Wha...
A little bit of this and that and then some.