A short story here... Just read and let me know what you think? I haven't concluded the story just going with the flow. The erratic nature of the power supply left the entire city in the lurch and this seemed to be a frequent occurrence. In spite of pleadings to curb global warming people paid no heed to the warnings and this brought about the swarm …. The beginning was when the entire country was wiped out in darkness and stampedes all over going on well into the night. Headlights of passing vehicles were the only source of light as generators were giving way because of the scarcity of fuel available. Every living being was being held hostage because of the “no power and no water” adage. No rainfall = less electricity = no water = no produce = malnutrition. The crops were in a mess, pets were getting crazed, and livestock was dropping dead by the minute. Drought was at an all time high. Neighboring countries pitched in, but this deluge was gaining momentum across cou...
A little bit of this and that and then some.