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Showing posts from January 15, 2022

Why Being Positive When You Are Declared Covid Positive Is Very Necessary

  All of us like positive responses. We await positive verdicts on a variety of subjects. But when it comes down to a positive medical report, it throws us off guard. When I was declared positive with Covid a few days back, I was shocked. I am vaccinated, I follow protocol, avoid crowds, but the sucker came for me! My Indicators I thought my symptoms were typical of regular flu – an occasional shiver, some fever. However, there were other symptoms - cold, tiredness, rash (which I get because of an allergy so I didn’t pay attention), tummy pain, and some coughing (once in a while). Since I have been tired and exhausted for a while, I put it down to a low immune system. I had to get tested. And lo and behold the freaking results were positive. I wanted a negative verdict. I was pissed. How could this happen to me! I take all the precautions necessary. I realised while I was careful I must have let my guard down. I cannot pinpoint for sure as to the carrier, but all that I c...

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