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Showing posts from March 17, 2010

Grrrr... Why do they grow up?

I was having a marathon session with my little niece sometime back who believed it was her right to educate me about the birds, bees, trees and other figures of speech! Adopting a nonchalant attitude, I asked her to fill me in and bring me up to speed. Frankly, I wanted to scream and ask her, why “did you have to grow up so fast”… but refrained! However, I was so taken up with her matter-of-fact explanations about the varied terminologies and heaved a sigh of relief that she didn’t want my take on these colorful expressions and words. In fact she patted her back feeling proud that she was able to teach me! As the days go by, she feeds me with more and more words that I would rather she not know, but cannot do anything about it can I? Driving the point home about being kind, humane and non-judgmental is a constant. I now dread these sessions as I see her innocence slip away. Becoming worldly wise is the need of the day for fear of being ousted by peers. Sad but true. We went ...

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