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Showing posts from June 21, 2011


Abortion, like religion and politics is a topic that most of us shy away from; basically we do not want to get moralistic and impose our views on another. Women believe in pro choice - our body our life. Based on this we have the option of going ahead with an unplanned pregnancy or getting rid of the unwanted unborn child. With an overindulgence of instinctive behavior taking root - the end result may not be a pretty sight. A positive mark on the kit gives the female the right to do what she wants. Ridding oneself of the evidence may be the best solution (at the time) at the hand of the ever happy surgeon and once the deed is done, relief is imminent. But living with the consequences - not a choice anymore! Given that sex brings pleasure and using protection works only 99%, why be hasty? If we look before we leap and think before we peak ..... The need to be instinctive is not that cool and practicing restraint would be la joie de vivre instead of going all the way and then r...

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