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Showing posts from May 10, 2011

Brownie Points

We happened to catch a program on telly recently that was sprouting ‘information’ about a newly married lady’s family history. Do people get their jollies ridiculing others thinking that they are far superior? Don’t they realize that they could destroy someone’s life, or don’t they get it? Sure information earned is information gained; but digging into a person’s life and spewing nastiness is so jaded. Who are we to point fingers at one another anyways? Jesus said “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone”. The brownie points that we score providing juicy gossip may make us the ‘brown eyed hero’ for the day, but a thought for the other person’s feelings goes a long way. Does it make our day any different clapping our hands in gleeful abandon at someone’s bad phase? The concept of – what goes around comes around works for everyone. What we sow, we reap. Perhaps this interior monologue may display hues of sanctimonious charm, but think about it - how many times have we ...

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