Do kids really get what I am saying? Why be nasty? Is using bad language all that great? What does it say about me if I let the grey hair show? Am I being unreasonable in wanting transparency in all business dealings? Is monogamy a myth? Does it really work – this concept of open marriage? Is gold a good investment? What are the pros and cons of motherhood? Why cannot men spend more time at home? Do face packs really work? Is laughter the best medicine? Is homeopathy the only solution for hair fall? What is the problem with eating red meat? Why the third degree? Do abortionists really believe in abortion? Is green tea better or does red tea also work? Are all vegetarians meat haters? Do all meat lovers loathe vegetarians? What meat is the best? Are heels good for the arch of the feet? How to get rid of dandruff? What is the reason for bad breath? Why do some skins look good and some don’t? Does being slim buy you brownie points in general? What is looking good about, really? Is ther...
A little bit of this and that and then some.