Kids face the drill that respect should be given to elders – speak when you are spoken to, sit straight, do not slouch, do not curse, do not laugh at the injustices, don’t … don’t… don’t… and do… do… do! I agree that the mind of a child is like a sponge and values should be imbibed at an early age, but what is with the dictating? Children do as they are told and rebel when they want attention, no rocket science this! However this piece is not about rebellion, but about rules that adults enforce on children but hardly ever practice what they spout. Here are a couple of examples that I noticed at a social gathering some time ago • A young adult was berated by a senior relative for taking time off to enjoy a party • A kid was chastised for laughing too much • A third was looked at disapprovingly because she went for seconds at the buffet • Another did not meet the cut because of the outfit she wore… We live in a world where one has to look at things in black and white i.e. rig...
A little bit of this and that and then some.