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Showing posts from November 11, 2010

Stalker Walker

The cougar has made an appearance in the vicinity. I couldn’t care less what anyone else does or who they do, but this individual is so in our faces with her nosiness that I have awarded her the honor. Can hear mum in the background saying ‘why do you wanna think such lousy thoughts maybe it was just an innocent drive’. Can’t help it mom! The meandering thoughts bring forth good old fashioned banter! Not so long ago, there was a letter peeking out of my postbox that I discovered late in the evening. The contents were from an admirer whose English was so pathetic I had to reread the crap a number of times to actually understand the matter. The sentence construction was so pathetic. First reaction was wtf, the second wtf a million times. Threw the contents into their compound with ‘spam’ highlighted and blasted the individual. To settle the issue he wanted to shake hands and start afresh! Afresh??? I didn’t even know or want to know the jerk! Imagine if it had debris (see t...

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