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Showing posts from June 9, 2010

Its all Blag....

Ah the mango season, brings about a twinkle in the eyes of the ardent mango devotee! The pushcarts are laden with various kinds and the ‘specialist’ really knows which one to pick. On a visit recently with the doctor (who is a real chatterbox I must say) he went on about the positives about the fruit. Encouraging us to try the different varieties, one could not help noticing his love for the fruit - so unlike the others who never really advocate gorging on this yummy fruit. His advice was to weigh each fruit in our hands - the lighter the mango the lousier the fruit. Thanks doc, I followed the advice and must say the suggestion has certainly made us a happy lot with heavier silhouettes! I had visited him for an allergy attack ….. Chatterbox of a doctor, but the advice on the fruit was useful, and yeah the allergy is kinda taking a breather. Whew or what? It was really annoying to wake up one fine day and notice something strange - my lips were enormous – no collagen implants ...

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