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Showing posts from January 3, 2018

Blame It On The Booze

The New Year began with a bang like every New Year, while the world partied and brought in 2018, I was snoring away to glory. Honestly, I wanted to stay up and fight the sleep, dance my cares away and generally get crazy. The problem was that the eyes needed rest, the body had a mind of its own and while my mind told me that I needed to up the ante, I gave into the 75% and what a rest it was, a real goodbye to 2017. The rest of the day, however, was not as great as the sleep. I guzzled quite a potent mix of something that you may think is simple – a glass or two of wine. I guess I have been out of the boozing scene for a while, but this wine really hit me hard and I was out for the count. Managed to speak a bit but felt crazy sick and realized that while I love the taste of booze, this darn wine really did me in, and how! I, therefore, vow never to get into an inebriated state, coz I felt so damn stupid and sick for the very first time in all of my um… many years. So, instead of t...

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