Spoke with a reader earlier today who enquired about my blog saying that she was waiting for some spiel from moi! Boy was I thrilled. Nice when this happens isn’t it especially when you are appreciated for your spill of thoughts. This week has been a near miss for a friend of mine who met with an eye specialist - doctor horror really. Indicated that the poor thing had cataract and needed to be operated on for both the eyes and after a second and third opinion by other professionals that there was no trace whatsoever. Con artist or what? The water situation (yeah the same old stuff again), is as usual a darn nuisance. The people in power just cannot seem to understand the need of the hour for the citizens. They sprout their usual promises prior to the vote and once they secure their seat, well they are flush! We of course, trudge the mile and ink our fingers with the hope that the new un’s will provide us with proper facilities. Blind faith! Frankly when I went over and vot...
A little bit of this and that and then some.