With so many people taking to Twitter, Facebook, blogging, and other social networking sites, I decide that it is high time I upgrade my status to something a little more current. Taking a cue from the savvy millions, I create an online avatar on the world-wide-web. Start tweeting, blogging, get onto social networking sites, and and and….the list is endless. Virtual reality has its advantages: no traffic snarls, wear anything-whose checking you out anyways (unless the webcam is on of course), chat away to your heart’s content with a person who has befriended you across the globe, anything. I thump away with the fingers doing a little jig of their own, tap tap tapping away on the keyboard. This is a new high (anything new gets all the attention you see) and I go on and on. After a couple of weeks huddled over the comp, I flex my fingers and notice that they seem to have created an identity of their own – are those claws there? O crap! Taking a break from my many friends, go ou...
A little bit of this and that and then some.