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Showing posts from May 14, 2021

And They Walk Around With No Care in the World - Mask Up People

And like the earlier piece, my rant today is about this damn pandemic, and the lives Covid has taken. My rant. Impose Fines People are still moving around without masks, can you freaking believe that? Amidst cries for help, Covidiots remain on point with their lack of concern. Like I had said before if these fools don’t give a damn about their health, the rest of us do. I believe strict fines should be imposed on anyone who leaves their homes or offices without a mask. Even if they are just going outside their gates to buy veggies from the vendor. Strict policing even in the smallest of lanes is what will keep us relatively safe. In my opinion. Mask Up, Already! Take this example, a woman who was hospitalized for ten days was seen walking her dogs after just two days of returning home. She had a mask on - to cover her chin! She kept coughing outside with no concern about the spores she was spreading. Ultimately, a neighbor and her family contracted Covid - they are suffering....

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