And like the earlier piece, my rant today is about this damn pandemic, and the lives Covid has taken.
My rant.
People are still moving around without masks, can you freaking believe that? Amidst cries for help, Covidiots remain on point with their lack of concern. Like I had said before if these fools don’t give a damn about their health, the rest of us do. I believe strict fines should be imposed on anyone who leaves their homes or offices without a mask. Even if they are just going outside their gates to buy veggies from the vendor. Strict policing even in the smallest of lanes is what will keep us relatively safe. In my opinion.
Up, Already!
Take this example, a woman who was hospitalized for ten days was seen walking her dogs after just two days of returning home. She had a mask on - to cover her chin! She kept coughing outside with no concern about the spores she was spreading. Ultimately, a neighbor and her family contracted Covid - they are suffering. Talk about a lack of concern for another human. And based on the news, animals are supposedly getting the freaking virus and if her dogs contracted it, is anyone safe? She takes them out for their daily walk, they crap all over the place and she coughs without a mask. Seriously, what the ...?
And while I go on with this, as I looked out of my window yesterday - I see a young kid on his bike having a merry time cycling. It was a welcome change, but there is a reason for the lock down you know kid, I said. His mask was on his head! Guess his parents needed some peace. Or he managed to get out while they were busy. Or whatever, but there is a pandemic, and the virus is spreading like crazy! People need to get real. People need to get serious.
The Things
Some Do For Love
Now listen to this. An elderly man contracted the virus about a week ago, to the dismay of his wife and family. Neither of the two liked wearing masks. Like everyone does! Being a loyal and stupid wife, she did not quarantine herself, she slept on the same bed. They are both hospitalized now and her oxygen levels are bad. She managed to get a bed and treatment despite her stupidity. Others are desperate to get oxygen even a bed, so many have died! Her excuse for not wanting to quarantine – we never slept apart, ever. I get the romance and love bit, but it is people like this with immense stupidity who spread the muck!
Here is another case of abject stupidity. A 20 something person decided to do something for a friend who contracted the virus. He rounded a group of buddies and went out searching for a hospital, a bed, oxygen. They wanted to help their friend. I get that helping someone is of paramount importance. However, when you have elderly parents at home and you venture out to help others, is that idiocy or what? And when you know that there is a lock down and a pandemic. There are fools everywhere.
A lock down is not everyone’s cuppa. It is certainly not a suitable option for me. It is also very difficult for many who rely on their daily bread to make ends meet. The circus seems to have come to town with clowns playing the fool. No matter how much sense you try to din into their heads, not many listen or see reason. Death is the final straw. And, if Covidiots from every walk of life don’t understand this, we are going to be seriously compromised for a long long time.