As I cozy up to 2011, I hope that the tide will turn eliminating recession bringing forth good health, peace and contentment, accompanied with happiness and bliss always to everyone the world over. As resolutions go I make them and by the second week of Jan they are out the door. So instead of working towards something rather time consuming and often strenuous, I’m just gonna go with the flow and based on this will embrace the good times and accept the bad ones. But here are a few that I’m gonna follow: • Bring sexy black/brown to the hair roots (one can live in hope!?) • Get the bank account laughing • Shed the flab super fast • Be good and careful - if not the former gonna stick with the latter for sure • Watch more news programs (seriously?) • Avoid negative influences and cling to the positive ones • Avoid calling the water, electricity and other departments with the hope that I just don’t need to Cheers to you me lovelies and I will let on during the course of the m...
A little bit of this and that and then some.