Honor your Father and your Mother How many of us really follow this fourth commandment? Arguments definitely arise with our parents but if do not respect them, how can we expect our kids to follow suit? Getting on in life without tending to elderly parents is slowly rearing its ugly head. Everyone does need to get on in life and if this means that looking after the elders does not feature in the big plan, so be it. However, when the tables are turned at our dotage, we cannot complain - after all what goes around… The next generation is raised on a cocktail of materialism and economic growth over the priceless love for grandparents and elders. We cannot cry later because our kids have put us in an assisted living facility. When are we going to realize that unless we treat our folks with respect, we cannot demand this from our kids! Parents chastise their kids because they do not respond to them immediately when they call and/or are not respectful, do not make the time for them, hav...
A little bit of this and that and then some.