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Showing posts from May 17, 2019

The Last Straw

Monday came with it and like every Monday, brought with it feelings of sluggishness - not wanting to get out of bed. And for the many of us who are homemakers (in a different sort of way) juggling a homebound work freelance life with limited pay, it is frustrating when the maid does not show. My story - I received a message from the maid, (which is kind given the fact that most of them don’t even bother to), but why didn’t she think of calling the previous day, I wondered. Some of her excuses are so weird that I want to scream, but remained staccato for fear of being maidless (for want of a better word). Her reason this time was an illness that manifested overnight. I guess it is because she was pulled up for something she did and decided to teach me a lesson. Her message was clipped stating that she would not be coming for a fortnight, give or take. I did not reply. What is the point, was the point, she would not have answered or I would have received a lame ass excuse. Before y...

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