Ok, so I get it, there are a good many people who have a problem with being nice. What can they do when all that comes out of their mouths are foul sayings and terrible verbiage? Sarcasm intended. What gets to me are people who go the entire hog with not a care about the constant hurt they dish out. If the roles are reversed I wonder how they will take it! Many years ago, while having a discussion with a person who was a part of my life, I was stunned into silence with profanities and abuses that were so disgusting and shocking. I had no idea about what to say or do next and choose the path of silence instead. After all, what can one say when nastiness is a part of an individual’s mental make-up? A friend had to deal with practically everyone dismissing her because of her skin tone. People used every excuse possible, but she knew deep down… Initially she was upset but she realized that there were plenty of fish out there. Unfortunately, life was not a bed of roses in her perso...
A little bit of this and that and then some.