As seconds turn to minutes, minutes to hours, hours to days, days to weeks, weeks hopefully not to months, we wait in stunned silence for directives by doctors. This coronavirus has everyone (not the Covidiots) in a confused panic. This is no bandh like we are used to in our country, this is serious. The economy which was on a downslide has plummeted further. We are a worried lot wondering how to replenish our stock. And then the worry that we do not contract any germs from the vendor who has delivered the goods. It is not only scary, but reality has reared its ugly head. This is happening in real-time, and not the movies. I want to wake up believing that it was just another movie and life will be back to normal. But is it going to be normal, today, tomorrow or even a month from now? Are we getting it that there is no vaccine at present? Social distancing keeps us free from the germs that spread rapidly. We need to follow protocol. A number of us want to pin the blame on other ...
A little bit of this and that and then some.