When you have no way to
contact anyone or receive calls because your money is over a little something
from a kind supporter help.
You have a regular job,
but the lockdown has you on tenterhooks. The office is still temporarily
closed. The school that you teach at cannot pay you the salary you are entitled
to, or your employer flat out refuses that s/he cannot pay you.
What is the next option?
Supporters can tide you
over for a while, but after that, what? Not everyone can help out. Putting food on the table, paying EMI’s, utility
bills, ways to stretch the notes, is a constant with no let-up around the
None of us have a clue as
to whether this pandemic will ease. And if it does, what is the new normal?
Educational institutions
remain shut for obvious reasons. Transport is hit and it is the common person
who has to face the brunt. Walking and using vehicles sparingly is the norm. Honesty,
we don’t know if we will be able to fund ourselves if petrol prices increase
Most don’t know how to make
it to the next month. Will we be able to get past the stage or dip into shrinking
savings? We do all that we can to make sure that we earn something, anything. That
is the only way forward.
I was extremely saddened
to hear today that many teachers from small schools were ordered to conduct surveys.
There are to provide details of the health of residents. The teachers went along
with the order, for fear of losing their job. When they provided the information,
they were informed that this was not a paid job, it was social service! They risk
their lives going out into red zones, with just sanitizer and masks. No gloves
(they have to purchase these add-ons). They have repeatedly asked for due
compensation, but they get a stony silence. How blinking sick is this, eh?
Don’t get me started on
the migrant issue. But I have to venture there because I have to rant, don’t I?!
I am not going political here, I have no fondness or lack of love for any
political party. All that I can say, is that these are the people who take care
of us when we build and clean our homes, our workplace, wash our vehicles, and,
and, and. The list goes on. But they walk in sad silence determined to get back
home come what may. Their grit and determination along with blessings from
above will see them through. God be with
them as they trudge along.
As I write today, I am
bummed with the lack of work that is coming my way. My resources are slowly and
surely depleting. Every little bit of money I make is being spent on necessities
that were not important. So, therefore, while we have heard conspiracy theories
about who is the cause and what contributed to the pandemic, all that I can
think of and hope for is that this will come to an end, soon. We live in hope.
On the issue of the mask -
I am at the boiling point. Why the heck don’t people wear masks in public? Is it
so freaking difficult to don a piece of cloth to rid the populace of this sick virus?
Or do people want it to mutate further? I seriously wonder. A person in my neighbourhood
was an assistant headmistress, others are software professionals, call centre people, teachers, some administrative staff, marketing people, the elderly, and
they venture out to buy something, from vendors. Many traipse outside for a walk,
smoking! These covidiots egg along, with no care in the world. And the pièce de résistance,
if they do wear a mask, it is under the chin! Get a grip folks, you need to
cover up your freaking mouth and nose! Stupidity seems to have employed many
people, reason hasn’t.
When will this end? Will it
end? I had the word pandemic, don’t you?