I guess most of us women go through this on a daily basis.
On the global canvas mansplaining has become the norm, heck it has been the norm for centuries – we are just calling it like it is today!
Let's say, for instance, we want a facelift for the kitchen, most professionals roped in to do the job are men. I have no problem with that, but some of them do. While they are enthused that a woman wants a change in the kitchen, they expect the man of the house to show up and take over once the ‘suggestions’ have been noted. What a bunch of crock!
The chauvinistic ones believe that women cannot decisions because of limited testosterone. They mansplain terminologies, ever so slowly like women cannot comprehend fast enough! Some of them are torn between the face and the girls (read boobs) because, well that is a part of the process.
Based on suggestions, I offer some of my own. The annoyance on their faces because a woman is offering ideas is priceless. But they keep mum because at the end of the day, as long as they are paid handsomely, they tuck in their egos, but keep the snide comments going.
They enquire (again), for the man of the house hoping to get a good deal. In their limited opinion, men are the ones with the brains and can think in and out of the box. Oh well!
The details are provided slowly believing that as a woman, I cannot think fast or make rational decisions. Hey man, I am not always on my period or PMSing, and even if I am, I can still think, reason, cook, clean, calculate, work, play, have fun, eat, drink and everything else that men can do and more.
At present we have a wonderful team of professionals handling renovations at our place. They definitely put the MCP's in the shade.
An Opinion
I guess there are men, and there are men. Some like to mansplain, some do not. If you have been a victim of a mansplainer, ping me and let’s dish on these annoying MCPs
Later my lovelies.