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#MeToo #YouToo? And Counting

The #MeToo story has caught on and how, with girls, young women, older women, young boys, and men who feel the need to stand tall and say enough already! Guess we can talk about the number of stories doing the rounds, but what does one do, when one comes face to face with a creep with no way out?

I would like to take a look at the number of men, women, kids, boys, and girls who have been abused for no fault of theirs, where some are going through the pain, and remain silent because they have no choice. Here are some true tales of sadness that engulf our lives because of perverts who cannot keep it in their pants, or get high because they feel that they have the power so they inflict pain. I do not want to go all-negative male because there are women who are terrible too.

Case One
Ratna (name changed) goes for an interview and after a series of meetings comes face-to-face with the head of the human resource team. He is on top of the food chain, with an amazing brain. Personally, he is married, has a family, but enjoys his flings on the side. Ratna is a pretty girl and is someone he would like to proposition. Professionally she is the right fit, but that does not factor. He runs through the usual questions and asks her out to finalize the deal. This should be an open and shut case so why settle outside the confines of the office? After a series of texts from the bloke, she reports it, and while he gets away with his behavior, she faces dissension in the industry because he decides to speak about her in unsavory terms. She did not go out with him, by the way. Oh well!

Case Two
Walking down the road in Bangalore or any part of the country, you can expect lewd comments from creepy characters. Intolerant creatures of habit, believe they have the right to bestow their comments about the woman/girl and her character. The next step is to be pinched on your butt or anywhere, they squeeze your breasts and you feel the shame. We call it eve teasing in India, but this is really a case of sickness and an over heightened power trip. Add #MeToo if you have gone through this nonsense.

Case Three
On social media, if you put up pictures, chances are that your friends may like the pictures. Friends of friends and their friends who are strangers to you may go a trifle further and post nasty comments. As someone said a few days ago, perhaps it is wise to keep pictures in a safe place, as we did before social media. This may stop lewd comments. Heck man, that is okay I guess, but to each her/his own, being targeted for no rhyme or reason is pretty sick. Trolls do what they want, and get away with it, when they are not a part of the story, anyway! Think this qualifies as a #MeToo debate?

I am pretty sure that we have innumerable people who have experienced #MeToo moments and have the guts to bring it to the fore. The number of people who have not spoken out but know what it feels like to be mentally and physically abused should also be applauded even if they do not voice their opinions.

As for me, I have been poked and prodded by creeps on the road, felt up, cupped, pinched, been taken advantage of, and definitely, believe that the tribe will be around. At present, I believe I am ‘aunty’ material so I guess I am free or am I!
Women, girls, boys, and men who have been at the mercy of someone raping them would probably feel worse. The fact is that most people who have indulged in gross nastiness hardly face the flack. I end here knowing that while there are many ‘me too’ folk out there, what can we do about it except feel a sense of unity in this great travesty.

Sorry folks, not many people who rape, lech, molest, feel you up, give you the beady eye, pinch you, cup you, smack you around, use you and do disgusting things to you, are ever going to give up on their idea of a good life. When they are found out, and some do, they cover their faces and feel remorse; some even cry stating that they were wrongly accused. Why cover the face, many of us wonder, is it because the game is up or because everyone knows the person for who s/he actually is?

How about we join together with the people who have been wronged. Hope that the people who wronged them will change their diatribe and their behavior, period. What say? In chorus let us join them as we chant #WeAreWithYou


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