Whoever said that you couldn’t be friends with your Mom is probably thinking old school mother. I am certainly no teenager, neither am I in my 20’s but getting closer to dotage (uh uh). Over the years, however, I noticed that my Mom was one of the coolest Mom’s in school, college, while I worked, in between relationships and when my marital cord snapped. Let me let on how cool she was and has been through the years.
When I had my first crush – she was very disappointed, and rightly so, though at the time I was angry that my secret was out. Here was her youngest with a boyfriend, and in her teens! It was hard for her to digest this since none of the older siblings went down this road. When she found out, all hell broke loose, she screamed at me, stopped me from going out, but she also stood by me. The boyfriend went away as did the friends’ circle. She never left my side, and held me while I sobbed away because he was my one true love (at the time). Ah, the throes of the first dabble in illusion. #TheFirstCrush #Mum’sHugs

School was bad, not one of the best places for me. She was there, during the worst phases of my life. I was able to talk to her and let on about the weirdness in school. During the mean girl stage (I was the chosen one to face ridicule). The introvert stage that I went through - her firm hands, hugs, and kisses kept me safe. She held me close as I felt the pain of rejection from friends who turned out to be foes. #SchoolWasWeird #MumWasAlwaysThere #MumLovedMeStoodByMe
College was that time when every girl wants to break free from the shackles and burdens and at the time, she was certainly not my comrade. She imposed crazy rules. I loathed the restrictions she put on me, and we fought like crazy. I partied and got in later and later with the number of friends. Eventually, shit happens as it does to all of us, I went back to her and cried. Being as loving and giving as she was (is and will be) she heard me out. And, with her firm but kind works, rocked me back and forth with her love. #Mum’sHugsAreTheBest

Work life brought with it a change in shift, I was earning and while I felt all grown up, the little girl in had a way of coming out, and she never stopped being Mommy. When I left the work scene to get back to studying, she encouraged and helped me be a better student. She never failed. She helped me move on to a life that was free from the norm. In fact, she even heard me out as I read stories out to her about society and its taboos and divides. She was aghast, but being a student of sociology, she was interested in the goings on about society. #MumWas&IsPrettyModern
Now, don’t get me wrong, Dad was always there too, he was great, but this story is about Ma. So I’m going to get on with it. I finally settled down after working a bit, and though Dad and she were not over the moon with my choice of partner, they were encouraging. #SadToSeeTheirLittleOneGrowUp When the marriage broke up as some marriages do, she was there, as strong as ever helping me through the pain and confusion. Hearing me out, not probing, and just being there. #HerNotSoYoungGirlHadToMakeGrownUpDecisions
When Dad passed away, she was so down and out. So was I, as were the rest of the siblings. Knowing that I missed Daddy like crazy, she kept a stoic face, but I am sure she was sobbing internally. She held me close as always and never let me go, she still does. #MommyILoveYou
Mom, some may leave you out from their inner circle. You feel the rejection and the hurt. Don’t you worry Ma I have your back! #YourNotSoLittleGirlHasYourBack
Oh, Mother, you drive me mad, you are a funny lady, you are my TV buddy, I can joke with you, tell you the craziest things, speak about anything and you get where I am coming from, immediately. I also know that you get grouchy and man, you sure do, and you sulk, pout even and can be very verbose as you take shots with your splendour of language. Mom, you pretty much make me feel safe, loved, and drive me insane at the same time. You are and will always be a rock star!
There you go guys, this is the relationship I share with my mom who rocks. Forget the old theory of keeping your folks at a distance. Get them involved in your crazies, happy tones, sad tones and everything along the way. Remember that you need to keep your secrets to yourself though. If you have a nice and loving Mom, let her know. Ditto with your Dad. What is the point if you don’t give your folks a dose of love, every single day?
As for me, I would love to add her to my list of pals on Facebook, but she cannot fathom the nuance of social media, the computer and the internet. Heck man, I too am still learning!
As I end here, I am pretty sure she is going to keep this article as collateral in case I screw up!
When I had my first crush – she was very disappointed, and rightly so, though at the time I was angry that my secret was out. Here was her youngest with a boyfriend, and in her teens! It was hard for her to digest this since none of the older siblings went down this road. When she found out, all hell broke loose, she screamed at me, stopped me from going out, but she also stood by me. The boyfriend went away as did the friends’ circle. She never left my side, and held me while I sobbed away because he was my one true love (at the time). Ah, the throes of the first dabble in illusion. #TheFirstCrush #Mum’sHugs

School was bad, not one of the best places for me. She was there, during the worst phases of my life. I was able to talk to her and let on about the weirdness in school. During the mean girl stage (I was the chosen one to face ridicule). The introvert stage that I went through - her firm hands, hugs, and kisses kept me safe. She held me close as I felt the pain of rejection from friends who turned out to be foes. #SchoolWasWeird #MumWasAlwaysThere #MumLovedMeStoodByMe
College was that time when every girl wants to break free from the shackles and burdens and at the time, she was certainly not my comrade. She imposed crazy rules. I loathed the restrictions she put on me, and we fought like crazy. I partied and got in later and later with the number of friends. Eventually, shit happens as it does to all of us, I went back to her and cried. Being as loving and giving as she was (is and will be) she heard me out. And, with her firm but kind works, rocked me back and forth with her love. #Mum’sHugsAreTheBest

Work life brought with it a change in shift, I was earning and while I felt all grown up, the little girl in had a way of coming out, and she never stopped being Mommy. When I left the work scene to get back to studying, she encouraged and helped me be a better student. She never failed. She helped me move on to a life that was free from the norm. In fact, she even heard me out as I read stories out to her about society and its taboos and divides. She was aghast, but being a student of sociology, she was interested in the goings on about society. #MumWas&IsPrettyModern
Now, don’t get me wrong, Dad was always there too, he was great, but this story is about Ma. So I’m going to get on with it. I finally settled down after working a bit, and though Dad and she were not over the moon with my choice of partner, they were encouraging. #SadToSeeTheirLittleOneGrowUp When the marriage broke up as some marriages do, she was there, as strong as ever helping me through the pain and confusion. Hearing me out, not probing, and just being there. #HerNotSoYoungGirlHadToMakeGrownUpDecisions
When Dad passed away, she was so down and out. So was I, as were the rest of the siblings. Knowing that I missed Daddy like crazy, she kept a stoic face, but I am sure she was sobbing internally. She held me close as always and never let me go, she still does. #MommyILoveYou
Mom, some may leave you out from their inner circle. You feel the rejection and the hurt. Don’t you worry Ma I have your back! #YourNotSoLittleGirlHasYourBack
Oh, Mother, you drive me mad, you are a funny lady, you are my TV buddy, I can joke with you, tell you the craziest things, speak about anything and you get where I am coming from, immediately. I also know that you get grouchy and man, you sure do, and you sulk, pout even and can be very verbose as you take shots with your splendour of language. Mom, you pretty much make me feel safe, loved, and drive me insane at the same time. You are and will always be a rock star!
There you go guys, this is the relationship I share with my mom who rocks. Forget the old theory of keeping your folks at a distance. Get them involved in your crazies, happy tones, sad tones and everything along the way. Remember that you need to keep your secrets to yourself though. If you have a nice and loving Mom, let her know. Ditto with your Dad. What is the point if you don’t give your folks a dose of love, every single day?
As for me, I would love to add her to my list of pals on Facebook, but she cannot fathom the nuance of social media, the computer and the internet. Heck man, I too am still learning!
As I end here, I am pretty sure she is going to keep this article as collateral in case I screw up!