She felt dreadful about what she did – she never meant to go all the way. In fact, she loved the way things were – she was glowing. Looking good for all to see was evident. Investing in a relationship was all that she believed in … why oh why, did she give into that impulse and travel the rocky road of cheating, she thought. The advice from the friend circle was the same, get up, get going and do not let one stray incident spoil things. It was easy for them she thought, she had to live with the ramifications. She had invested a great deal of time and money not to mention the effort that she put into the relationship. This indulgence cost her plenty. She could not turn back time! What was she to do? Tell him or keep quiet. That unbridled passion was playing havoc with her every step of the way. In some strange way, she did enjoy the excitement of this cat and mouse game. She felt alive again after such a long time. She knew that she gave into temptation but the sheer pleasure that came with it was thrilling. Gosh she thought, why have I stayed away from this deliciousness of racy sexiness? She had to have it, otherwise she would definitely regret it. She indulged and patted herself on the back saying no one would ever know – after all this was just a one-time thing. She felt on top of the world. The only negative was the person staring back at her in the mirror – that person showed remorse. The eyes staring back at her were challenging her to admit to the truth. She took the bait, walked up to him and said, “I am sorry, I cheated on you, on us! I tried with every ounce of resistance, but that sinful temptation was way too much to resist. The melt in your mouth deliciousness made me go all the way! I literally devoured the entire cake. I cheated! Sorry coach!”
“Finally!” he said laughing. “Come on, let’s get back to the huffing and puffing and start a new rigorous routine.”
Until the next time when I give into that slice of sinful chocolate cake, she thought.