We talk about abortion, discuss it at length and stash some opinions and choices in the closet.
The constant refrain of ‘my body my choice’ or ‘pro-choice’ is something that is discussed across the board. What most of us ignore is the little voice crying ‘why me’. I do not mean to start a heated discussion about this but would like to provide my take on this option that most women have. I do not mean to get into a discourse about people who are victims of rape, incest or other horrid things along with it being medically incorrect for a mother to carry the baby to term. I cannot speak about one’s decision to get rid of the unplanned pregnancy. But if one does go ahead with the termination of the unplanned pregnancy the consequences can play havoc with the body and the mind.
Abortion is considered ideal for someone who is not ready to bring a child into the world because of XYZ reasons. One may wonder as to why the individual did not practice safe sex in the first place; but the issue is that protection is not a 100% safe. Nevertheless having an option is something that women prefer – with the ‘my body my choice’ refrain. And that is great. There is another problem that arises for many women who have opted for an abortion - remorse. This can manifest in the later years (most often) when the biological clock starts ticking and one is unable to conceive. At the end of the day, while the choice is certainly convenient, one must spare a thought about the little baby who never had the chance to live.
I would like to articulate that one should be given full freedom and the ability to think for oneself. That is a given. But when one has to deal with termination of an unplanned pregnancy, it is best to talk it over with a qualified expert or someone reliable. After all, nothing in life is black and white; there are myriad colors for one to sift through. You may wonder while reading this piece as to where I stand on abortion. Here goes, I believe that all life is sacred and since most of us are alive to tell the tale, let’s speak for the ones who were not given the chance but were chucked out probably into a waste bin. It is fair therefore that one should also include the refrain of pro-choice for the little one in the womb.
Let’s pray for the unborn children who also need the option of pro-choice and pro-life. And let’s pray for the many babies who never lived to tell their story.
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