Okay so I do not have a pet – but that doesn’t mean that I do not like animals. I was bitten by a friend’s dog years ago, which was mighty vicious mind you, but that did not (does not) deter me from appreciating man’s best friend. I came into contact with a cute dog years ago called Sandy who loved going out and making friends and hardly ever stayed put in her home. To her the street was her home - she was the best watch dog ever. Ultimately she met her death when she was run over by a merciless imbecile. There is another side to this piece about pet affiliations however. I appreciate it when people take care of their pets; it is enjoyable to watch a puppy do a merry dance to his owner’s tune. It is cuter still when they catch some shut eye and curl up – seriously it is super cute. But the one thing that really gets my goat, and I am sure yours too my dahlings, is the lack of concern quite a few owners have when it comes to their pets messing up. They train their pups to do practically everything, but when it is poop time they do not blink when the animal craps in front of the neighbor’s gate!
I just don’t get it why certain guidelines cannot be followed by each one of us. For instance, urinating in public should be banned completely. In this context I am talking about the four legged creatures as well as the two legged ones! Years ago when we were travelling along with a friend from abroad, he kept himself busy by counting the number of men who were doing their bit for Mother Nature and for a stretch of about one kilometer he counted 25 people! Was I mortified! There is no change from then and now, in fact even if we go abroad and follow the rule of the land, we do not think twice about destroying our habitat once we are back in our hometown. We have evolved as a nation and are growing in every facet of technology, science, and what have you. But in our very hearts it doesn’t faze us when pets do their business in front of neighbors’ gates, kids and adults urinating or crapping in public spaces, garbage strewn carelessly, spitting, etc. In spite of repeated requests to pet owners and many who endorse littering, nothing changes. Perhaps it is time fines are imposed for littering or messing up. If this is enforced, people will be a lot more tolerant and the look of our city will definitely improvise. After all Bangalore is called the Garden City and a little bit of effort will make the place clean.