You know there are people who claim to be pals just to look cool. I had this conversation with a close friend who couldn’t understand why a couple of her Facebook friends ignored her in person. After our chat, it finally dawned on her that the so called friends just wanted a long list to appear hip. She updated her status and vented her frustration. An amusing story here - the same people who ignored her added their two bits about public humiliation and gave it the thumbs down signal. Weird don't you think?
Plastic Smiles
How would you like it if relatives followed the same principle? In public spaces they turn away pretending they do not know you leaving you dumbfounded. Here is something that happened to a couple of friends. They received invitations for a wedding where everyone attended the blessed event. To cut a long story short, my friends and their families were ignored and treated like social pariahs by closest members of the family! When they came face-to-face with each other the pained expressions and plastic smiles said it all.
Make a Choice
We discussed this in length and have come to the conclusion that certain people are not worth it. This disgusting practice has made me a firm believer of evading sour people. Being around individuals that promote this form of culture is not my cup of tea. So, instead of wasting time and energy, I refrain from social encounters that are bound to drain me. There are times when one has to take a firm stand and follow the path of right and walk away from the wrong. This is a stance that my comrades and I follow and feel much better. I wouldn’t want to start philosophizing here, but isn’t it better to avoid situations that make you uncomfortable?
Any comments dahlings?
You know there are people who claim to be pals just to look cool. I had this conversation with a close friend who couldn’t understand why a couple of her Facebook friends ignored her in person. After our chat, it finally dawned on her that the so called friends just wanted a long list to appear hip. She updated her status and vented her frustration. An amusing story here - the same people who ignored her added their two bits about public humiliation and gave it the thumbs down signal. Weird don't you think?
Plastic Smiles
How would you like it if relatives followed the same principle? In public spaces they turn away pretending they do not know you leaving you dumbfounded. Here is something that happened to a couple of friends. They received invitations for a wedding where everyone attended the blessed event. To cut a long story short, my friends and their families were ignored and treated like social pariahs by closest members of the family! When they came face-to-face with each other the pained expressions and plastic smiles said it all.
Make a Choice
We discussed this in length and have come to the conclusion that certain people are not worth it. This disgusting practice has made me a firm believer of evading sour people. Being around individuals that promote this form of culture is not my cup of tea. So, instead of wasting time and energy, I refrain from social encounters that are bound to drain me. There are times when one has to take a firm stand and follow the path of right and walk away from the wrong. This is a stance that my comrades and I follow and feel much better. I wouldn’t want to start philosophizing here, but isn’t it better to avoid situations that make you uncomfortable?
Any comments dahlings?