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Know Where to Go

I woke up this morning to an incessant drone of dogs barking. Glanced out of the window and saw a group of boys who looked absolutely bored, but appeared that they did not want to leave. I guess they preferred the outdoors rather than getting back home, I thought. The dogs continued their barking but stopped after a while. The boys were still there. I suppose both the animals and humans were used to each other's presence! Got me thinking, imagine how sad it is for people who have no place at home where they feel loved, wanted, needed, accepted, respected, etc. When the place that one is supposed to feel safe and carefree is not an option, what else is there to look forward to at the end of the day?

A home is where the heart is – an oft repeated chant that people sprout. But when the place is just that a place, what more can one expect? Parents expect too much from their children and vice versa. Couples face a breakdown in communication because of the incessant work drawl or pressure and choose an easy way out … citing deadlines. Grown up kids prefer the option of getting high outdoors, hanging out with friends, new buddies, instead of going back to their safe place. Rather sad state of affairs when all levels of communication get broken down and there is nowhere else to go but a road of bitter or worse.

Taking the bull by the horns to get rid of the blur of confusion and settling situations maybe a suitable option, but there aren’t many who actually want to get their hands messy. An intervention, maybe suggested by the fair one in the group, to try and sort out the disturbance! While this does work almost 40% of the time, subjective criticism has never worked in the long run. Taking sides is predominantly a factor whereby parents or siblings start fencing. Where is the solution to this gaping hole of discontent and reprehensible ‘freedom’?

The next step is to seek the ‘guidance’ from the learned few that come over with their mental arithmetic and start off with their facts and figures so that they get their pound of flesh after the session. When this draws a blank the sparring folk try other approaches as suggested by networked accomplices. Families who want to settle issues go the mile in employing whoever may come their way in weaving their wands. But what happens to the ones that have called it quits? Do they still travel the road and get the situation ironed out so that there is no blood on the floor? Perhaps the litmus test is when people try to get things in order and work towards a solution. The going may not be as peachy as they want but talking always gets the story sorted…or not

When a relationship sours, all the parties involved prefer throwing in the towel to end the meaningless sparring. Can one do this among siblings, family or is it just a done deal with couples? There are siblings who have never spoken for years on end and do not feel the need to keep in touch with the estranged relative. Trying to poke your nose among this group of individuals will never get one anywhere because of the deep rooted angst. At times families have even believed that the reason why there is a breakdown in communication is because of people ‘casting a bad eye’ on them. This may be true, but at the end of the day, when a difference of opinion is blown out of proportion among the protagonists … can it be an outsiders fault?

While we can try and analyze the need to mend fences and create an air of camaraderie - everyone involved must be on the same page. While the arrogant may not accept the other’s point of view… one must realize that trying to win over a supercilious individual may take time, but if it is worth it… then by all means try. However, if there is an irretrievable breakdown in communication and there is no let up, opting out of the race to desecrate is a choice? Right!?

Laziness is an easy way out – according to some. However, I believe it makes sense to opt out of the frying pan so that you never get burned…again!

What say me lovelies?


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