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Nonsensical Spiel

While meeting people, there are times when I am foxed and find myself wide eyed in disbelief at some rather weird funny sayings. Here are a few that are a hoot...

a. I was in my native for one week (native is pronounced ‘natiwe’)
Translation: I was in my hometown for a week

b. The peoples living in my locality are rudely behaving
Translation: People living in the area where I stay are rude

c. I live at the backside of the college
Translation: I reside (live) behind the college (building)

d. I have no botheration about peoples opinion
Translation: I couldn’t care less about people’s opinions

e. I went to foreign and bought you this presents
Translation: I traveled abroad and brought some gifts for you

f. When I marry I will invite all friends
Translation: When I get married, I will make it a point to invite all my friends

g. Many peoples are laughing at me and I am feeling very angry
Translation: People seem to find my situation amusing and laugh at me. This makes me really angry (read upset)

h. How much is your earning?
Translation: What is your salary?

i. You want to go for movie?
Translation: Would you like to watch a movie?

j. Many times I have gone to this place and enjoy very much here
Translation: I have visited this place often and find it extremely enjoyable

k. My mother’s sister’s husband’s brother will come this evening and I am wanting to go with him for pub
Translation: A close relative should be arriving this evening and I look forward to accompanying him to the pub

l. On the light / off the light
Translation: Switch on the light or Switch off the light

But, I was taken aback to hear this from an English teacher:

“My sister will come back to city in rainy monsoon. I am missing for her company.”

Trying to regain my composure, I inquired about which college she had studied at and was awarded with this sheepish response:

“My average percentage was not much high. But I was very happy to get job in this school. Good no?”

If this is the standard of (some) teachers who are supposed to impart wisdom, then the nonsensical ‘on/off the switch’ spiel will continue.

I’m off for a while now. Cya soon me dahlings same place…



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