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Ditch Rudeness....Part 2

Having had a number of conversations today over the article I had posted yesterday, I was requested to write more about this with the hope that people will try and be the change that we so crave in others. After a series of discussions about undignified behavior that many of us tend to display across situations, don’t you think we need to give it some thought before we go all the way and reduce ourselves to being an impolite statistic?

I would also like to bring into focus something that Rose mentioned; perhaps we need to attend to this in the way we interact with our domestic help. Having come across so many articles in the news over the years it is shocking to say the least about how some of the so called educated few thrash their maids, pour scalding oil on their bodies, ignore their basic needs, do not pay their wages…etc etc… their woes are endless. Pathetic isn’t it? Of course there are many maids who do take us for a ride as well, not going here with this, perhaps another time when we all get together and crib. Lol!

Moving along to another area : there are plenty of us who believe that we can cut a person mid sentence on the telephone or across the sitting arena. Sure if you have a stalker then so be it cut the line but otherwise courtesy goes a long way. Should you receive a call from an irritating caller demanding your time for their sale try to give the person a second and excuse yourself with a “I’m rather busy now”… or “the offer though interesting does not meet with my demand at present” … or “sorry to interrupt, but I would not want to waste your time, I’m not interested in the product, thanks for calling”….. This would leave you and the caller in a better frame of mind instead of arrogant rudeness that may take center stage.

Sure you are in the middle of a meeting or at a public function then frankly do not answer the call or a polite ‘I’m rather busy now, can you call back” would do. How about while talking animatedly to someone and you are cut off by the other person? Perhaps their phone needs charging, or the power has gone off, or a meeting or whatever… a plain I’m sorry later would suffice. But nope many individuals just do not believe in these social niceties …. I say forget it, drop the jerk - not worth your penny in salt.

There are so many instances that we come across in life don’t we? There are many times when people frankly ignore you because you do not meet with their social dynamic. It really is awful as it leaves the other person whose been dealt with this behavior feel terrible and a need to retaliate surfaces. Or people decide to oust you from something that you long for… or or or… the list is endless.

Rudeness is a form of power play that some people like to resort to. Frankly don’t let anyone rile you and fall into their trap……


Terez said…
Good points to keep in mind. Rudeness burns bridges. We might think we are getting a pushy person off our backs by rudely telling them to go away. We may, in fact, be burning a connection that could further the interests of our business. Politeness is a way to maintain a charismatic online presence.
John Makin said…
When one responds to anothers actions it places them in control. They have elicited a particular response by their actions. You are following their agenda.
Do not react, let their interruptions pass by, be yourself.
Take control.
That is very true John. Ignoring a rude individual is much better. Why join the club?

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