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How Do I Say Goodbye

How Do I Say Goodbye?    You are God’s chosen one, watching me from above I wasn’t able to be with you during your most difficult time Mimi how I wish I can get back to that period when your illness was not prime What do I tell you, my sweet sister, except that I am shattered The last message you sent me was that you were coming back alive - that really mattered   This new normal is impossible to take I hold back tears and try to be strong, I feel so fake You know what I am going through, don’t you sweetheart? Coz you and I were never ever apart If I can just touch you for a mere minute the pain may disappear God knows best as I hold on to memories that are so dear You are my best friend, my confidant, my sparring partner Be free from pain darling girl, rest in peace I love you, and I always will          
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